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Are you a candidate
for weight loss
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Are you a candidate
for weight loss
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Minimally Invasive Weight Loss Surgery

Experts in bariatric surgery since 2000, we have performed over 13,000 laparoscopic gastric bypass, adjustable gastric banding, gastric sleeve, duodenal switch, and revisional surgeries.

Experts in Revisional Weight Loss Surgery

Have you started to regain weight after initial success from weight loss surgery?
Over time, the stomach pouch can stretch, and patients can eat more before feeling full.

Incisionless Weight Loss Procedures

This procedure is performed under anesthesia without any external incisions into the body. This technique often results in fewer complications, less trauma, and shorter recovery time.

it's time to act on obesity.

See why

meet The Surgical
Specialists of Louisiana

Our program is the total weight loss solution

Whether you have 15, 50 or 150 pounds to lose, Our Lady of the Lake Surgical Specialists offers a program to meet your needs. Our team of board-certified surgeons performs minimally invasive weight loss surgery daily and provides lifelong follow-up care for our patients. The MyWeight medically supervised weight loss program helps patients create a personalized diet plan or get back on track after bariatric surgery. OLOLPG Surgical Specialists have more experience than any other program in the region. Our unique, comprehensive approach to health and wellness is unmatched. Our 3 convenient office locations allow us to serve all of Louisiana.

gastric sleeve surgery

also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is quickly becoming the most popular weight loss surgery in Louisiana. This minimally invasive, laparoscopic, procedure takes only one hour to perform and offers patients a quick recovery time. The gastric sleeve is a restrictive procedure; it limits the amount of food you can eat but doesn’t significantly alter the anatomy or reroute the intestines. Most sleeve patients report that they feel less hungry throughout the day and feel full after eating only a small amount of food. Current research has shown excellent results. Patients can lose up to 64% of their excess weight within 12 months and see improvements in their weight related health conditions. *These are individual results. No outcome is guaranteed. The surgeons at The Surgical Specialists of Louisiana perform numerous procedures daily.

Revisional Weight Loss Surgery

Over the years and for various reasons, some patients may experience weight regain following their initial weight loss procedure. The Surgical Specialists of Louisiana are experts at Revisional Weight Loss Surgery which can be performed laparoscopically or endoscopically. If you have experienced inadequate weight loss, insufficient resolution of comorbidities or medical complications due to weight loss surgery you may be a candidate for either minimally invasive or incisionless revisional surgery.

get started today!

Patient testimonials

Real stories from real patients.

"Now when I look in the mirror I see a strong confident woman. I see a mom that is the best role model she can be for her children."


Lost 145 pounds

*These are individual results. No outcome is guaranteed.

"The best decision I’ve made in my life. I’m healthy and I’m strong now. I see a freedom and its an amazing feeling."


Lost 123 pounds

*These are individual results. No outcome is guaranteed.

"I feel great! All my illnesses associated with being obese are resolved. It’s been an amazing journey."


Lost 140 pounds

*These are individual results. No outcome is guaranteed.

"It was a struggle to do the simplest things like walking in the store or tying my shoes. I find myself having much more energy now. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done."


Lost 190 pounds

*These are individual results. No outcome is guaranteed.

"I was borderline hypertensive for 3 years and had vacillated with gaining and losing 150 pounds. The day after I learned that I was diabetic I had the gastric sleeve. I’ve lost 85 pounds and am a new person!"


Lost 85 pounds

*These are individual results. No outcome is guaranteed.

"I’m living my life for the first time. I’ve run three half marathons since losing all my weight."


Lost 220 pounds

*These are individual results. No outcome is guaranteed.