The Skinny on Skinny Amy Jones
Thursday, 05 July 2012
The Skinny on Skinny Amy Jones Recently, the Lafayette newspaper, Independent Weekly, featured an incredible story about one of Surgical Specialists of Louisiana’s patients, Amy Jones. Amy struggled with her weight for most of her life. She had tried everything and wanted to change but had questions, and fears about how to get the results
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An Hour A Day…
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
A new study from the Harvard School of Public Health found that walking for an hour each day can decrease the influence of obesity-related genes by up to 50 percent. Looking at data from more than 12,000 people, the researchers calculated each person’s genetic risk of obesity by identifying how many of the 32 known
bariatric exerciseExerciseexercise researchhealthy lifestylesurgical specialists of louisianasurgical specialists of mississippiweight loss exerciseweight loss healthy lifestyleWeight Loss Surgeryweight loss surgery clinic in louisianaweight loss surgery exerciseweight loss surgery patients exerciseweight loss surgery research
- Published in Bariatric Support, Exercise
How To Gain the Advantage over Weight Re-gain
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
According to new research, older women who lose weight are likely to gain it back again, and as fat rather than muscle. At the beginning of the study, 78 postmenopausal women had shed about twelve percent of their body weight through a weight loss program. Six months into the study, 68 percent of the women
- Published in Bariatric Support
Are you pre-diabetic?
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Have you recently gained weight? Does anyone in your family have diabetes? When was the last time you had blood work completed? Pre-diabetes is “the state that occurs when a person’s blood glucose (sugar) levels are higher than normal, but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes”. Most importantly, people with pre-diabetes have an
- Published in Bariatric Support, Nutrition, Weight Loss News
A positive body image can help you lose weight
Friday, 19 August 2011
Dr. Thomas Lavin of the Surgical Specialists of Louisiana was quoted in an article last week about a study finding that weight loss programs can be more effective when combined with a program to improve body image and acceptance. The Study The study consisted of 239 overweight and obese women. The researchers divided the women
- Published in Bariatric Support, Obesity Today, Weight Loss News
Surgical Specialists of Louisiana Has GONE SOCIAL!
Thursday, 31 March 2011
The Surgical Specialists have joined the world of social networks. In addition to daily patient care that we provide in the “real” world, now we have stepped into the realm of virtual communication, resources and news – not just through and our weight loss surgery blog, but also on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, which many of you are probably already using on a regular basis!
- Published in Bariatric Support, Weight Loss News
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