Nicole & Jason – More confidence
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
by Why Weight
Prior to surgery, Jason would wake up feeling tired. His fatigue would follow him throughout the day, worsen after an unhealthy lunch, and leave him feeling bloated and unhappy at the end of each day. He attempted to cure his unhealthy eating habits and fatigue with long workouts and crash diets, but the results never
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Kera & Mikey – Not Diabetic, Now Healthy
Monday, 12 August 2019
by Why Weight
Prior to surgery, Kera was in liver and kidney failure. Mikey was constrained to an insulin pump at all times. Doctors didn’t know how to help except to pump them full of more insulin. It was not until Kera and Mikey visited with our team that they realized Type 2 Diabetes can be cured by
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Nicole & Jason – Their to-do list
Wednesday, 07 August 2019
by Why Weight
Nicole and Jason are attorneys, parents, colleagues, etc. Their to-do list is probably longer than most. Prior to surgery, their list of errands and work seemed daunting and exhausting. Nicole recalls times when she dreaded just getting out of the car, grabbing the kids, and running those errands. Everything felt like a burden. Now, they
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Kera & Mikey – Pre-Surgery Meds & Routine. Part 2
Monday, 05 August 2019
by Why Weight
Mikey’s pre-surgery routine always began and ended with checking her sugar. Before surgery, Mikey had an insulin pump in order to control her sugar. Throughout the day, Mikey would constantly need to reset her pump depending on what she was eating or doing that day. She stayed indoors most of the time because the heat
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Nicole & Jason – Cravings
Thursday, 01 August 2019
by Why Weight
For Nicole and Jason, cravings do not exist anymore. Because of the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy, their relationship with food has changed completely. Nicole used to love sweets at night before bed. She frequently ordered dessert after dinner. Now, Nicole eats to sustain her health, not to satisfy cravings. Rather than eating until she feels overly
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Kera & Mikey – Pre-Surgery Meds & Routine. Part 1
Monday, 29 July 2019
by Why Weight
Prior to surgery, Kera’s Type 2 Diabetes controlled her entire life. Her A1C was an 11.5, and she took 11-12 pills every morning. Unfortunately, Kera’s medication routine didn’t end there. Every time Kera left her house, she would bring her “tackle box” with her. Her tackle box had injections, needles, alcohol swabs, glucometers, and cooling
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Nicole & Jason – The best decision of their lives
Monday, 29 July 2019
by Why Weight
Like many of our patients, Jason researched the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy a lot prior his first appointment. He feared the surgery would cause extensive gastric distress or change his biology. Nicole was more familiar with the surgery and, like friends do, helped Jason understand the surgery simply made “your belly smaller.” Both Nicole and Jason
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Nicole & Jason – Recovery
Thursday, 25 July 2019
by Why Weight
As attorneys and parents, Jason and Nicole do not have the luxury to take extended vacations, so recovery time from the procedure needed to be quick. Initially, Jason and Nicole feared the recovery time would be weeks. They were pleasantly surprised to learn the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy recovery time is minimal. Both returned to work
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Best friends Kera & Mikey share their journey. Part 4.
Monday, 22 July 2019
by Why Weight
It’s the simple things in life. As Mikey’s health deteriorated over the years, she became less and less physically able to contribute to household chores or yard work outside. Simply walking outside in the Louisiana summer heat would send Mikey’s sugar through the roof. As a naturally independent person, it was very difficult for Mikey
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Nicole & Jason – Research
Friday, 19 July 2019
by Why Weight
We love positive feedback from our patients. Listen below to hear why Nicole and Jason chose our team for their weight loss procedures.
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