Dr. Michael Thomas has been named one of the Best Doctors in America® for 2013. This highly regarded list is assembled by Best Doctors, Inc. and audited and certified by Gallup®. Over 45,000 physicians in the United States were asked in a confidential review, “If you or a loved one needed a doctor in your specialty, to whom would you refer?” Best Doctors, Inc. evaluates the review results and verifies all additional information to meet detailed inclusion criteria.
Doctors cannot pay to be included in the Best Doctors database, nor are they paid to provide their input. The List is a product of validated peer review, in which doctors who excel in their specialties are selected by their peers in the profession. The experts who are a part of the Best Doctors in America database provide the most advanced medical expertise and knowledge to patients.
Dr. Thomas is skilled in advanced laparoscopy and is a national proctor who teaches and credentials other surgeons for laparoscopic gastric bypass and was a lead site investigator for the initial incisionless weight loss procedure registry. He is one of three surgeons chosen by the State of Louisiana’s Office of Group Benefits to conduct the “Heads Up” surgical weight loss pilot program for State Employees. Dr. Thomas is Director of Bariatric Surgery at Southern Surgical Hospital and is a Fellow of the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (FASMBS).
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