Mikey’s pre-surgery routine always began and ended with checking her sugar. Before surgery, Mikey had an insulin pump in order to control her sugar. Throughout the day, Mikey would constantly need to reset her pump depending on what she was eating or doing that day. She stayed indoors most of the time because the heat would sky rocket her sugar. These restrictions caused Mikey to become reclusive for years prior to surgery. As if the physical consequences of Type 2 Diabetes weren’t enough, Mikey began experiencing mental challenges as well. Her anxiety became difficult to control. Small stressors that most people shrug off would really bother her. Mikey knew something had to change.
On the morning of her surgery, Mikey’s sugar was 250. Immediately after surgery, Mikey’s sugar was 70. Thanks to the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy, Mikey is no longer a Type 2 Diabetic. She is living her best life without the physical and mental struggles of diabetes.