Why Are So Many People Obese? These Reasons Might Leave You Searching For More Options
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Everyone points a finger at how and why someone becomes obese. Not surprisingly, we’re all looking for an explanation as to why over a third of the adults in the U.S. are obese. Consider the reason that gets lots of focus: overeating. Does overeating cause obesity? Or does obesity cause overeating? Consumption is the root
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- Published in Weight Loss News
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Common Questions about Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss Surgery
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
It’s not uncommon for patients who have lost a significant amount of weight following weight loss surgery to consider reconstructive surgery. The most common reason people decide to have plastic surgery following a large weight loss is due to excess skin. Plastic surgery is a personal choice and should not be considered lightly, but if
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- Published in Uncategorized
Mindful Eating For Improved Weight Loss
Saturday, 05 April 2014
After a long day at work, school, or running kids around, the thought of gluing yourself to the couch with a tasty meal sounds just about like heaven. But, cue your favorite comfort dish and a packed line-up on Netflix and you might be spelling disaster for your health and diet. Eating in front of
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- Published in Nutrition
Weight Loss Surgery May be Better Than Medication Alone for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Wednesday, 02 April 2014
On Monday’s NBC Nightly News, (March 31, 2014), Brian Williams reported that “researchers have found that weight loss surgery for” patients with type 2 diabetes can be more effective than taking medication in beating this disease.” USA Today reported that investigators “followed 150 patients, one-third of whom were treated for their diabetes with medication and
- Published in Weight Loss News
Dr. Michael Thomas Named to Prestigious 2013 Best Doctors In America® List
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Dr. Michael Thomas has been named one of the Best Doctors in America® for 2013. This highly regarded list is assembled by Best Doctors, Inc. and audited and certified by Gallup®. Over 45,000 physicians in the United States were asked in a confidential review, “If you or a loved one needed a doctor in your
- Published in Weight Loss News
Tasty Chicken Dishes That Will Keep You On Track
Monday, 22 July 2013
We’ve been taught that the white meat of chicken is an excellent source of lean protein but what most don’t know is that it also offers numerous other nutrients! One 4-ounce serving of pasture-raised chicken breast provides about 35 grams of protein (which is 70% of the Daily Value) Also included are amino acids and
- Published in Nutrition
Progress is Being Made for Insurance Covered Obesity Treatments!
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Just one day after the American Medical Association classified obesity as a disease, U.S. lawmakers introduced bipartisan bills in the Senate and House of Representatives that would require Medicare to cover more obesity treatment costs! Given the current climate of Washington, it’s amazing to see both parties working together on any health legislation. Despite the
- Published in Weight Loss News