How Carbohydrates Influence Inflammation
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
More and more we are hearing that chronic inflammation plays a major role in various disease conditions including, arthritis, various cancers, cardiovascular disease, obesity, type II diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, just to name a few. Inflammation can be controlled and reduced by altering one’s daily intake. There is one component of the
- Published in Bariatric Support, Nutrition
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When is it time to ditch the diet and consider bariatric surgery?
Thursday, 01 March 2012
Dealing with stubborn weight issues can be frustrating and even overwhelming at times. All the good intentions, resolutions and various diets might not do the trick. Here at we help thousands of patients get on a healthy track and put their struggles behind for good. Recently, SSL’s Dr. Tom Lavin was interviewed about when
- Published in Weight Loss News
How To Gain the Advantage over Weight Re-gain
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
According to new research, older women who lose weight are likely to gain it back again, and as fat rather than muscle. At the beginning of the study, 78 postmenopausal women had shed about twelve percent of their body weight through a weight loss program. Six months into the study, 68 percent of the women
- Published in Bariatric Support
New Year’s Resolution – More Chocolate?
Tuesday, 03 January 2012
There's good news for chocolate lovers everywhere: A study, from the University of Cambridge in the UK, found that eating chocolate on a regular basis can reduce the risk of developing heart disease. The study consisted of 114,000 people and determined that those who regularly ate the most chocolate had a decreased risk of heart disease (37% decrease), diabetes (31% decrease), and stroke (29% decrease). Cocoa products, like chocolate, have been found to promote cardiovascular health in many studies.
- Published in Nutrition
Are you pre-diabetic?
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Have you recently gained weight? Does anyone in your family have diabetes? When was the last time you had blood work completed? Pre-diabetes is “the state that occurs when a person’s blood glucose (sugar) levels are higher than normal, but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes”. Most importantly, people with pre-diabetes have an
- Published in Bariatric Support, Nutrition, Weight Loss News
Dietary Guidelines For Americans
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Rising concerns about the health of the American population has been a topic that has swept the nation and caught the attention of most local and national news organizations. The public at large has become much more aware of this growing problem, and consequently numerous high profile individuals and companies are stepping up to lead the fight on “the battle of the bulge”.
Apples, Apricots & NoBesity For Kids
Monday, 31 January 2011
Nobesity for kids (NB4K) is partnering with local community centers to provide free nutrition and yoga classes for children. NB4K is aligned with Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move Campaign”. Apples and Apricots… are good for you! Apples can be traced back to the Romans and Egyptians who introduced them to Britain and America. Apricot in Latin means “precious” because this fruit ripens earlier than other summer fruits.
- Published in Nutrition, Weight Loss News