Keeping Focused When You’ve Had It
Friday, 15 March 2013
Whether it’s the kids wearing us out, an unexpected project at work that has us burning the midnight oil, or a plateau that’s been stalling our weight loss, each of us has reached a moment where we feel like saying “I’ve had it!” For many of us, before bariatric surgery those high-stress moments led us
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The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) – Empowering YOU!
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
A major inhibiting factor when seeking help to fight obesity is a simple lack of resources. It can sometimes be difficult to know where to go to get the answers that you’re looking for, or sometimes to even know what the right questions are to ask.
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How Carbohydrates Influence Inflammation
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
More and more we are hearing that chronic inflammation plays a major role in various disease conditions including, arthritis, various cancers, cardiovascular disease, obesity, type II diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, just to name a few. Inflammation can be controlled and reduced by altering one’s daily intake. There is one component of the
- Published in Bariatric Support, Nutrition
Obesity and Leg Lymphedema
Thursday, 02 August 2012
Obesity is a major risk factor for many serious medical conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and cancer. In fact, it is believed that obesity drives about 85 percent of the total cost of treating type 2 diabetes and 45 percent of the cost of treating high blood pressure. Studies
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- Published in Bariatric Support, Exercise, Weight Loss News
Weight Loss Surgery Linked to Diabetic Remissions
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Millions of Americans have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and many more are unaware they are at high risk. More than a quarter of Americans with diabetes are mildly obese (body mass index [BMI] of 30-35.) People with mild obesity and diabetes constitute a larger group than the ‘very obese’; yet they do not
Bariatric Supportbariatric surgerybariatric weight loss surgerydiabetes and weight loss surgeryGastric BandingGastric BypassHealth risks of obesityObesitysurgical clinic of louisianasurgical specialists of louisianatype 2 diabetestype 2 diabetes bariatric surgerytype 2 diabetes weight loss surgeryWeight LossWeight Loss Surgerywhy weight
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When is it time to ditch the diet and consider bariatric surgery?
Thursday, 01 March 2012
Dealing with stubborn weight issues can be frustrating and even overwhelming at times. All the good intentions, resolutions and various diets might not do the trick. Here at we help thousands of patients get on a healthy track and put their struggles behind for good. Recently, SSL’s Dr. Tom Lavin was interviewed about when
- Published in Weight Loss News
How To Gain the Advantage over Weight Re-gain
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
According to new research, older women who lose weight are likely to gain it back again, and as fat rather than muscle. At the beginning of the study, 78 postmenopausal women had shed about twelve percent of their body weight through a weight loss program. Six months into the study, 68 percent of the women
- Published in Bariatric Support
Are you pre-diabetic?
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Have you recently gained weight? Does anyone in your family have diabetes? When was the last time you had blood work completed? Pre-diabetes is “the state that occurs when a person’s blood glucose (sugar) levels are higher than normal, but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes”. Most importantly, people with pre-diabetes have an
- Published in Bariatric Support, Nutrition, Weight Loss News